Coating for boats with polyurea

We are your reliable partner as a specialist company for polyurea coating.

Coating for boats with polyurea

What is a boat and what is a ship? “A ship can carry a boat, but a boat can never carry a ship.” This well-known saying sums it up. In short, a boat is a seagoing vessel with a length of less than 50 meters. In addition, boats are mostly used on lakes, and ships are mostly used at sea. Boats must withstand various demands both in the water and in a dry dock or garage. A coating for boats with polyurea offers good protection here.

Improvement of many properties through a coating for boats with polyurea

Boat hulls are confronted with a wide variety of loads in the water as well as on land. Here it is necessary to protect especially the wood from the harsh influences of the environment. Here, a coating for boats with polyurea is used. Such sealing with polyurea can usually more than replace that with a conventional varnish. Also because polyurea is available in all RAL colors.

The essential advantages of a polyurea coating for boats are as follows:

  • Coloring according to your wish
  • Anti-fouling
  • Fast curing and thus fast processing
  • Improvement of the gliding properties in the water
  • High seawater resistance

With a boat coated with polyurea, you can fish, swim, or just float on the lake in a relaxed manner without much maintenance.

Coating buoys with polyurea

Markers are often necessary on lakes and other bodies of water to designate waterways or to separate the area for swimmers from the area for watercraft. So the fact that these buoys are not attacked by wind and weather or the water itself and sink is not infrequently vital.

Therefore, it makes sense to coat buoys with polyurea in addition to boats. This also better protects these water markers from being damaged or even completely slashed by a propeller. Polyurea is particularly resistant to low temperatures. This means you can leave your buoy coated in this way outside and even in the water at any time, even in winter.

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