Coating parking decks with polyurea

We are your reliable partner as a specialist company for polyurea coating.

Coating parking decks with polyurea

Parking garages and underground garages are sensibly divided into parking decks. Whether built up high or dug into the ground, both spacious vehicle parking areas are a great investment. Therefore, it is important to operate them profitably for many years and decades. Coating parking decks with polyurea is an investment for today, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.

The parking decks in underground garages and parking garages are exposed to the highest loads. Every day, many tons of weight rest on them. In winter, condensation can penetrate into the smallest cracks and pores and decompose the building fabric. Coating parking decks with polyurea makes sense, as it allows cracks to be flexibly repaired on the one hand and prevented on the other. We coat your valuable parking decks and sustainably ensure that damage to the masonry, floor or other components does not occur.

Three basic advantages of coating parking decks with polyurea

When you have your parking decks coated with polyurea, you can enjoy several benefits. In short, it will make your parking decks …

  • physically highly resilient,
  • chemically stable and
  • durable.

Each car weighs over a ton. Transporters that deliver goods for, say, a shopping mall’s stores weigh even more. Therefore, the physical load capacity of a parking deck should be correspondingly high. Polyurea is not only hard and increases the resistance of floors, flexible resistance at very high and very low temperatures is also advantageous. Among other things, this prevents cracks.

Chemical stability is a major plus point of polyurea. Due to the high-quality properties, the cured material can withstand not only chemical cleaning, but also a fire.

Coating parking decks with polyurea extends the life cycle of roadways, walls and also components treated with it. Underground garages and parking garages should last for a long time. With a polyurea coating, this is not a problem.

Coating roofs of parking decks with polyurea

A coating with polyurea also makes the roofs of parking garages watertight. This makes it possible to create a seamless and jointless seal, especially on flat roofs where water or snow cannot easily drain away.

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